Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, September 5, 2008

Swinging in the Rain

Do I really sound like that?


Bri said...

I love how Laurin is folding laundry. It is mesmerizing!

mariellen said...

Now that's a swinging party! What did parents do before swings? They're one of the greatest inventions ever.

Granny Smith

G.A.Sandy said...

You are really getting pretty darn sophisticated with this blog...we are really impressed!!!

The swinging relaxed me too...!


G.A.Sandy said...

hey- just realized the swings are synchronized!!

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

loved it. You are getting in the groove you guys. oh I have beeeeen watching it toooo long ZZZZZZZZZZ
Aunt Kathy

Ryan you are talented.

Big Ryan said...

How am I talented?