Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Swing Mystery

Ok all you masters of deduction, take a crack at this one.    We were generously gifted a swing from the Lielands (the blue one).  It swings side-to-side or front-to-back.  It has six speeds, a mobil, and plays music.  We quickly realized the power of the swing.    We use it during the day only and it works beautifully.  Whenever they are fussing, or Laurin needs a break, they go in it and relax/sleep.   But, having twins, we need another little helper.  We searched online for another swing from Walmart due to our abundance of gift cards, and found this little rainforest number.  It had the same features as the aquarium swing, so we went for it.  Upon bringing it home, we realized it had been returned at least once.  The parts were shoved in the box, there were no instructions, and I think it was missing two screws.  Despite these setbacks, my man skills allowed me to assemble the apparatus in record time.  When we started testing it out, we realized it had the opposite effect of the aquarium swing.  We would put them in it calm, and they would slowly start to freak out.  To further the experiment, we switched them during a freak out from the rainforest to the aquarium.  Like someone waved a magic wand the crying stopped.  So, after less than 24 hours of use we returned the rainforest.   I had found that Babies R Us was the only place that had the aquarium on their website.  We showed up there to double our pleasure and were told that they only carried them online these days.  Fighting back tears, I inquired further and learned that Once Upon a Child often has them.  Being a second hand store I thought it was odd that they often had a specific swing as they would need to have been sold one from an owner.  Anyway, since it was on the way to Walmart we stopped in.  Low and behold they had exactly one aquarium swing sitting on the floor.  I took three steps into the store, told the lady I wanted to buy that swing, and walked out 2 minutes later with an assembled aquarium swing.  My new favorite store is Once Upon a Child.  We returned the stupid rainforest swing and got the better swing (albeit used) for a third the price.   So, take a look at the pictures my loyal braintrust of readers and hypothesize why they hated the rainforest and love the aquarium swing.   I should add that the aquarium seems to swing faster and has a hard plastic full seat whereas the rainforest had slower swing speeds and more of a hammock-style back support.  The butt support was hard plastic, but they back was just supported by the fabric being stretched over an arced bar.


Nancy Hendrickson said...

Come on Ryan...... we don't want pictures of the swing......we want pictures of the girls IN the swing.....I could have told you the girls would have a genetic predisposition toward the nautical theme due to their grandmother's syncronized swimming gift. They probably have webbed toes (have you looked?).

Big Ryan said...

Sorry...we didnt have the rainforest long enough to take either lady's picture in it. We will do some synchronized swinging shots today.

Melissa said...

i'm pretty sure we're seeing a theme here. aquarium swing, love south haven. these girls are water babies. i think you should but an endless water pool in your bedroom. you have the room.

Big Ryan said...

Ill put it next to the secret door we are getting installed next week.

G.A.Sandy said...

Well, being more orthopedically inclined I can tell you that the material stretched over the bar did not comfortably support those precious little no wonder their discerning misses were not pleased.

They must be pleased tho with their parents willingness to go the extra mile to keep them happy...


Maria said...

i think the aquarium swing must have some magical powers. my sister in law let us use hers while we were visiting and ada loved it too. something about the fish going around above her head--she seemed to be really interested in them and able to see them well. but who knows?

Kathy said...

won't be public until May 30th. Please don't get me in trouble for telling all of you early! The Fisher Price Rainforest Take Along swing has been recalled. The space between the seat and the frame can pose an entrapment hazard to the child. If a customer already owns a seat they are to contact Fisher Price at or
1-888-303-5631.This was a 2007 recall?? Lends me to think it has a different cradling effect and bothers their backs.

Big Ryan said...

When reading your post, I thought for some reason that you were talking about the swings we still had. i was scared to death that we would have to get rid of them. You would have to pry them from my cold, dead hands, I wonder why they are still selling the rainforest swing. Maybe they modified the design.

Margo said...

Blue is always better then green.
Calm, water, fish, Ann Arbor. I'm sure the blue reminds the girls of South Haven. I was so excited to read you were all moving to S. Haven. When you get ready to relocate I know a great realtor and
even have a friend in Indy that might be interested in your house. I can't wait to be closer to the girls. I think Sanna and I really bonded when you were in G.R.
Sanna, me and a handy stain stick and we are ready to go. If you can get going on this move I think we can get you settled by Thanksgiving. I want my plate next Sanna and we get first pull on the wishbone! I have lots of boxes when you are ready to start packing.