Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, September 15, 2008

Our Babies Have Inherited My Ability to Screw with People

Our ladies really have skills.  Since Laurin returned home on Friday, I spent each night taking care of Riley and she took care of Sanna.  On Friday night, Riley had a 5 hour sleeping session.  On Saturday, there was a 6 hour session.  On those same nights,  Sanna slept 2-3.5 hours at night.  As a favor to Laurin, I offered her Riley for Sunday night.  Last night, Riley woke up every 2-3 hours, and did not go back to sleep quickly.    Sanna woke up every 3-4 hours.    Laurin thinks the babies hate her.  I know that they are just messing with her. 


Nancy Hendrickson said...

I think Riley's raised fist is either the"baby power" sign or an indication that she may have disco dancing tendencies.

G.A.Sandy said...

I agree- Power to the is really early in little lives that the taste of it is so sweet....or maybe it is just one of those things...

Hoping that the little sweeties start to coordinate soon.

G.A. Sandy

Bri said...

That is the funniest picture. Love it.

Patti said...

Those girls LOVE their mommy! They are just toughing you both up (especially mommy) for the days and years to come!

Power to the Babies!



mariellen said...

Don't try to figure out why they do what they do because just when you think you've figured it out, they do something different. Great picture! She's ready to party!

G.A.Sandy said...

just a they sleep near each other???

G.A. Sandy

C8ertot said...

Clearly I'm the only person that thinks your daughter is getting ready for a Super Mario marathon. She's in power up position. Not that I think she looks like a chubby plumber...the girls could definitely take down anyone in a cage match these days (especially a plumber) :P