Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, September 15, 2008

News Not Related to Babies

In other exciting news, I have started playing Rugby and Nick has asked me to emcee his wedding in the absence of a DJ.    I think all of those who will be attending Nick's wedding will be in for a treat, unless I am dead from playing rugby.  Which is a worse decision, Nick's to offer me this opportunity, or mine to play rugby?


G.A.Sandy said...



mariellen said...

Although Nick is a brave soul to ask you to DJ, I say rugby is the riskier situation.
When compiling the music for the wedding, don't forget the fabulous 70's and 80's --- I believe you used to really enjoy Paula Abdul's
"Hey Mickey".

Steph said...

I think Nick made a wise (cheap) decision. Mariellen, I think Toni Basil did "Hey Mickey".