Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

New Feature!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a feeling this wont go well (due to everyone's apparent lack of enthusiam/fear of posting), but here it goes.  I am going to put up a photo and allow people to write captions for it.  I thought it might be amusing given the wealth of wit and humor that reads this blog (so I hear).  Lets try this one to start.....


Patti said...

Dude! That's my "fier"

Nancy Hendrickson said...

binkie cage match.........and the winner is...........

Anonymous said...

"Double-sided pacifier -- The guys at the club make it rain for that kind of hot action."
Too much? Did I find the line? Do you get a chance to veto comments or do they post automatically?

Big Ryan said...

There is no censorship on the blog. I may have to rethink that :)

G.A.Sandy said...

hey, sis - share and share alike remember??
