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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Wife Has Gone Crazy

Normally, you would think that I would be the one to come up with ridiculous ideas that may or may not be safe.  Not this time.  As I was working diligently in the office, Laurin comes strolling in with Riley in tow.  Just as any other day, the dogs follow us wherever we go.  Frankie walked between Laurin's legs and stood there as she talked to me with Riley in her hands.  Laurin suddenly had a light bulb go off and said "lets take a picture of Riley riding Frankie".  What happened to my sane wife?  Has she completely lost it?  If this story had revolved around me coming up with this idea, people would have said "Oh Ryan, you so crazy", but it wouldnt have been that strange.   With Laurin, Im a little worried.  If anyone has the name of a good shrink, let me know.


Melissa said...

But look how much fun riley is having. when they are bigger, they can ride max.

Patti said...

Frankie doesn't look like he's enjoying it as much as everyone else! How did you get him to sit still that long? :)

G.A.Sandy said...

ride 'em can see that these girls are going to really be into adventure!!

Ponies for Christmas???

G.A. Sandy