Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Master Plan Worked!!!

I knew I could outsmart the Verbal Diarrhea readership.  I posted a message proclaiming the unstoppable cuteness I exhibit in the cage match picture.  I dared someone to challenge my dominance.   In doing so, I motivated all of you to vote against me.  Clearly I am much cuter than Patti, but you have chosen to spite me.  Either that, or Patti has access to ten computers.  I was hoping to get ousted so that the competition could be opened up to some competitors who I felt it would have been unfair to pit against me.   In the end, this is a great thing and I thank all of you for falling into my trap.    Long live the Cage Match!!!!! Send in your entries now that you all have a chance.  Lets hope this message doesnt set off a flurry of votes for me to spite me in the opposite way. 

p.s. My indomitable wit and cunning was made possible by my vegetable-free diet.  In case you havent seen the recent study, eating vegetables shrinks your brain.  Take that stupid vegetarians.  Bring on the beef.


Patti said...

Ryan, you just don't get it, do you? How could you think that you could beat the beautiful child with the little curl on the top of her head? :)

Patti said...

Nice nose!

G.A.Sandy said...

Ryan, my dear say that you make my day would be an understatement! You have truly outdone yourself!!!
As to your antidisestabishmentarianvegatarianism...
well, that newest photo of you tells me that you surely do eat your potato spuds....

Love ya lots;
G.A. Sandy

Ryan Iannucci said...

I think if you're going to suggest that there is a study that says eating vegetables shrinks your brain, that you owe it to your readership to provide a link to the study.

Melissa said...

ryan, i can't figure out the map. i want to see where all the readers are. and i want to add us.

Big Ryan said...

Here is one link to the story....

Melissa, you dont put your dot on the map, it does it automatically based upon the IP address of your computer. It knows where you are. Scary.

Patti said...

Who is looking at your blog in Europe?

G.A.Sandy said...

yes, tell us where everyone is.....

G.A.S. Sandy

Big Ryan said...

If you click on the map, it takes you to a page where you can see better. As of tomorrow, you should be able to zoom in on a continent to see even better. I had to pay $1.99/month, so enjoy it. If it is lame I will stop. It appears the link I put up got cut off. Just google "eating vegetables & brain shrinking" and you will find plenty of links.

mariellen said...

I thought the picture was a new Joe the Camel ad.

Kathy said...

Is this your Halloween snapshot?. Do not scare the children