Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, September 19, 2008

More Photo Caption Fun!!!

I checked, and our ladies do not speak french, portuguese, swedish, or english.   But, we can pretend they speak english, or robot.


G.A.Sandy said...

Sanna: ...will you look at that!!

Riley; yeah, our Granny Smith sure was a cute little baby!!
I am liking this web site our daddy is doing!! Better make sure he gets our good sides!

G.A. Sandy

G.A.Sandy said...

you mean you are not playing those foreign language tapes.....???

G.A. Sandy

G.A.Sandy said...

te slect....

who can guess what language???

G.A. Sandy

Patti said...

Det språk som inte visas i Google Translator

Kathy said...

From Academia :One of the popular myths about mulitples is that they share a secret language, a form of communication known only to them. Terms such as idioglossia, autonomous language or cryptophasia describe the phenomenon of twin language, a fascinating concept that has intrigued researchers and parents alike. However, it's actually very rare for twins to develop a true "language," and usually only in cases of extreme isolation.

What is Twin Talk?

Rather, the phenomenon is actually attributable to young twins mimicking each other's attempts at language, often incorrectly. All babies babble incoherent sounds; it's their way of practicing vocalization and making the connections in their brain that lead to language development. However, twins may give the appearance that they actually understand each other's babbling ... thus the perception that they share a "secret language". As they grow up and repeat each other's vocalizations, it may appear that they are talking in a secret language, while they're really just mispronouncing sounds and words. About forty percent of twins, generally monozygotic or identical twins, will develop some form of autonomous language, using nicknames, gestures, abbreviations or terminology that they only use with each other. While parents and siblings can often discern the meaning, the twins generally don't use the terms with others.

mariellen said...

Ok. Let's get this straight. Tonight, you take the 2 1/2 hr shift and I'll do the five. Tomorrow night we switch. It will drive mommy and daddy crazy!

Maria said...

"perhaps you haven't noticed, but i'm the one wearing the "fabulous" bib, not you."

Nancy Hendrickson said...

Mom put broccoli in Dad's sloppy Joe. Let's watch him eat it and see if he notices!