Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Us!


Bri said...

What a dapper couple! Congratulations!

Bri said...

I meant to say Happy Anniversary. Already the baby is sucking my brain cells.

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary guys!!!

Patti said...

Happy 4th Anniversary! Congratulations!



Maria said...

a good looking couple indeed! happy anniversary.

Kathy said...

Seems like just yesterday we were in Indy watching you two get hitched. Happy Happy.
Love Aunt Kathy

Steph said...

Congratulations! It was a very memorable day, although I'm not sure Bob's memories are as vivid as mine. We'll see how Nick and Luke's weddings match up!

Denise E said...

happy anniversary! thinking of you guys today! :)

G.A.Sandy said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! and two beautiful perfect daughters to celebrate!!

With much love as always:

Aunt Sandy and Uncle Norn

Jill said...

Congrat! Yes, I am stocking your blog. I love the twins, so shoot me. I really like the knee highs on the girls. Very in right now. Although I must tell you they will berate you when they are older.....about how you as parents have no fashion sense at all. Just an FYI.Happy Anniversay!