Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cage Match

So, things have been going nicely with the cage matches.  We have had some highly contested matches.  I am enjoying the childhood pics, but am now out.  If more people want to send me their pics, I will put them up.  Or, we could take this in the direction of everyone sending in their animals.  I like child vs. child, animal vs. animal, etc.  Would anyone be brave enough to submit their yearbook photos?  I know Im not. 


G.A.Sandy said...

well, have done my thing and pics on the way,....

G.A. Sandy

NO yearbook ones...

G.A.Sandy said...

hey, the duck has gone international!!!

G.A. Sandy

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Emma is holding her own against a ridiculously cute duck.

G.A.Sandy said...

quack-quack, the duck graciously bows out and knew he was not the cutest anyway but he says he really enjoyed his moments of fame and getting to know everyone!!
