Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, September 8, 2008

Cage Match Quandry

In the most competitive cage match ever, there was no winner.  Despite a cage match record 24 votes, no winner emerged.  I thought long and hard about what to do.  Should I give it to the incumbent for holding strong against another worthy foe?  Should I give it to the upstart newcomer for standing up the big bad champion?  At last, I determined it was not fair for either to lose after performing so valiantly.  I decided instead to add in a third competitor to shake things up.  I know this is unprecedented.  Dont everybody go freaking out.  Lets all calm down and move forward.  Lets get it on.....

1 comment:

G.A.Sandy said...

Hey- what a sweet little girl...and what a sweet little boy...tough one!!! Hmmmmmmm.
