Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, September 22, 2008

At What Point is an Item Unsalvageable?

When I started this post, it was to talk about Sanna's night time bowel movement that she decided to sit in for who knows how many hours. When I got to it at 1230AM, it had been over 6 hours since her last meal.  She had been sitting in a funny position in her swing, so the mess was up her back and had dried.  Once I peeled the item off her, I had was left with a decision.  Is it worth trying to rinse a stain that dried some time ago?  I was reprimanded for not attempting to salvage the garment in the middle of the night.   I argued that once the mess dries, there is no sense in hurrying to fix it.   It is now in the laundry, so we will see what happens.

As I write, Riley is being bathed after a massive explosion.  She managed to take out her diaper, her new outfit (complete with shoulder pads and cleavage), her favorite vibrating chair, and our sanity.   She sat there smiling as we separated the items for washing.  She is now wailing as she gets a bath, so we're even.  

Lets see what wisdom exists in the blogosphere pertaining to dealing with fresh and old baby stains. 

We documented the destruction in photo form, but I think it is too graphic even for the internet. 

I will leave you with a picture of Riley celebrating her achievement.


Kathy said...

Bleach works. It depends on the fabric really. Besides they outgrow their outfits so quickly the outfit won't be here long for anyone to see the stains which they sit on anyway. Use it for swinging in the swing.

Did you notice the dogs hanging around the swing Ryan?. That is a sign.
Are you saving these comments for the girls when they get older?

I love your stuff.

G.A.Sandy said...

aha, the joys of parenthood...poop and all!!

Ya godda' love it....! Wait til their diet changes and the fruits come along...there are interesting times ahead (or is it behind...)

I agree with Kathy re bleach or use around the use...also make good rags....


G.A.Sandy said...

I meant house not use second time around..teaches me to preview first...


KB said...

as the parent of a girl who has a penchant for bowel explosions that defy gravity and go up her back, i have learned that the generic form of oxi clean (or the real thing) works really well. you can get a big bucket of it at a dollar general. ada does this all the time, so i just bought a special bowl for soaking her clothes in. i sometimes leave them in there with the oxi clean for a day or 2 and that usually does the trick. at least the blow out was at home and not walmart when the bathroom was closed and you forgot wipes...yes, that has happened to me.

Anonymous said...

Babies are almost always salvageable regardless of the stain, but you have two, so I'd just keep the cleanest one.