Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lets get it On!!!!!

In the first "Cuteness Cage Match", we pit the soon-to-be-two Abe Drlich and his trusty sidekick Ozzie against our precious twosome napping in Sanna's crib.  Please vote in the comments section for the winner.  We already have a competitor for the next round.

Follow-Up Quiz

Who is who?

Thanks to my wonderful wife, I got a lot of sleep last night.  She secretly devised a system where she managed to wake up at the first sign of restlessness and feed the ladies.  This kept them quiet for a large portion of the night.  So, thanks to her and the batch of positive responses already received, I have decide to forge ahead with this little project.  

Now, an update on our ladies:

Sanna had lost the most weight in the hospital due to her latching issues, but that is a thing of the past.  She is going strong now, and has gained back at least four ounces (as of yesterday's appointment).  She was born at 5lb 10oz, but left the hospital at or below 5 (they weighed her the night before we left at 5.0).   After two days at home, she is up to 5lb 4oz.  She also put her inability to create a dirty diaper behind her with a monstrous effort yesterday afternoon.  She enjoys sleeping on her side and doesnt care too much for bright lights.  She has a very expressive face (we will try to catch her in action).   She is a fan of Arsenal for some reason, but Im working on that.  She clearly hasnt seen the beauty that is Fernando Torres (Chris Taylor can attest to this), or the game-changing ability of Steven Gerrard.  Anyway, we have 11 days until the start of the season to change her mind.

Riley had similar weight loss issues, going from 6lb 10z to 6.0 in the hospital.  In a eating performance that shows talent that could eventually land her on ESPN next to Kobayashi or Joey Chesnut, she has gained a massive 8 oz in two days since leaving the hospital.   Her little round face gets her pretty much whatever she wants.  She was a dirty diaper machine in the hospital, once cranking out 8 in a 24 hours period.  She has since come back down to earth, going a pedestrian 2-3 times a day.   She enjoys long walks down the esplanade and hours upon hours laying on her bear with Sanna.  She tolerates licks and sniffs from Owen/Frankie.   Riley in a devoted Liverpool fan, and she looks forward to rubbing it in her sister's face when we take home the hardware this year.  

There still seems to be some confusion as to who is who, so here are two pictures.  Riley is on the left and Sanna is on the right.  Sanna is a little lighter complected and smaller.  Her face isnt as round.

In my next post, I will be starting a feature I schemed up pre-babies called "cuteness cage match".  Similar to weekly radio features, we will pit two things against eachother and let the fans vote.  To kink things off, I will submit a picture of something relates to our twins.  In return, I welcome the readership of Verbal Diarrhea to submit something they think can trump my little angels.  The voting will stay open for 48 hours, and a champion will be crowned.  I will take submission in the order received.  The pictures do not have to be of babies either.  If someone wants to submit some silly Anne Geddes picture of a random baby in a flower pot, be my guest.  Or, a kitten sleeping with a bear.  I will submit my entry when I get a competitor.  Submit your entries via email to

Anyway, Im back and looking forward to many more hours toiling away on this blog. 
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Goodbye Loyal Readers

It is with a great degree of sadness that I announce the proposed termination of 'Verbal Diarrhea'.  I am thoroughly disappointed with the amount of response and interaction I am getting from the posts.  I dont know if we have been too generous in sharing our beautiful children with you in person, but there doesnt seem to be a need for up to the minute baby information/comedy in blog form.  I have two choices:  shut down the blog, or stop allowing visitors.  I know you all live for updates on our little hellraisers, so dont make me ban you from the house.  I will take guidance from my readership as I decide how to proceed.   To those of you who have been there all along, enjoying my tireless efforts, I am sorry the inaction of others may cause you to lose the joy that is our blog.  
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Liverpool for Life!

To celebrate the signing of Robbie Keane from Tottenham, Riley and I donned our Reds gear.  Sanna was seen wearing an Arsenal hat yesterday, so her loyalty is in question.  Liverpool for the title in 08/09?  I think so.  Discuss....
Monday, July 28, 2008

Should we allow any of these people near our kids?

We had our first party to celebrate our return home.  Most of the neighborhood posse showed up.  The babies were passed around for everyone to try.  So, the question is:  should we trust any of these people with our kids in the future?

Here is the rundown:

Picture 1:  Mr. Ryan Iannucci.  Ryan was very hesitant to hold the baby, having to be forced into action by Laurin and his loving wife Melissa. Ryan was uncertain how to hold a baby, which was concerning.  After a brief explanation, you can see the result.   It should be noted that Ryan has an identical twin brother who recently had a baby.  As far as I know, it is still alive an kickin. Ryan has a love for science and beer.  While I trust his ability to educate our children, he has been known to give his underage dog Max alcoholic beverages.  It is also currently being investigated whether or not he is an alcoholic.  He recently had two beers on a Monday. From that, make your call.  

Picture 2:  Mr. Chris Taylor.  Chris was recently featured as one of Indianpolis' 'Most Eligible Bachelors'.  Chris is the second most successful lawyer we know from Bingham McHale. He is also the second oldest member of our pickup soccer league.   Chris too struggled to support the babies massive 5lb frame, nearly dropping her to the floor.  Chris also has a dog that has been known to leave fecal matter on the floor.  As the kids get older and more mobile, that could be a problem.  

Picture 3:  Mrs Melissa Murphy-Iannucci.  Melissa was very eager to hold the babies, and appeared to know what she was doing.  Melissa has been known to dislike overweight children, which for now does not appear to be a problem.  Melissa is known for her inability to care for their dog Max, who has escaped numerous times.   If the babies get bored, she can entertain them with her love for trivia.

Picture 4.  The Damrons.  Justin is seen holding the baby in what appears to be a comfortable position.  He is accompanied by his child bride Emily.   The Damrons are up and coming dentists on the Indy dental scene.  Justin aspires to give grills to those less fortunate, and Emily hopes to get hired as his hygenist.  Justin is known for his love of Batman and Guitar Hero, so he clearly has the mind of a child.   It should be noted that during a recent indoor soccer game Justin failed to defend his wife as she was physically and verbally attacked by a male opponent. Would he leave our children to fend for themselves as well?

Picture 5: Casey Taylor (wasnt sure of Casey's last name, so I gave her Chris's).  Casey is the most successful lawyer we know from Bingham McHale.  She has succesfully mentored a troubled australian shephard for the past year.  While she doesnt currently play soccer, she does attend games and heckle.   Casey does have an affinity for Red Bull and Vodka, which could pose a problem.

First Day Home

Ok, so we finally got home around 1 today.   Not going outside in 96 hours is a strange thing.  We kept watching the news in the room and not feeling like we were in Indianapolis.  You dont feel like part of the real world.  Melissa will be happy to know our little fatties lost some major ounces.  Sanna is down to a little over 5lbs, and Riley is a little over 6.  We are supplementing with formula for a few days to keep their weights up.  They ladies really dig spending quality time together on the bear pillow thing (thanks Sandi and Eric).  There has only been one recorded fight.  The video is too big to post here apparently. I will keep trying...

We are about to venture out of the house for our first walk.  What a crazy life we lead.   The dogs are taking to the babies well.  Lots of interest but no licking, biting, or scratching.  They can stay for another day.  See the picture of Los Lonely Boys in action (or inaction).

Bringin the cute.....

First day home=limitless photo opportunities.  
Sunday, July 27, 2008


New Polls are up. I cant figure out how to allow more elaborate answers, so feel free to leave comments attached to this post. Also, for all of you who are wondering, I did get the first hold. Laurin finally realized I was right. Would those people who voted for after the 23rd as the birthday please let me know so I can send out the prizes.

Rockin' Out

So, it turns out that there are only so many variations of pictures you can take of two babies in a hospital room. We are going home tomorrow, where the possibilities are endless. If anyone has any suggestions for poses or concepts, I am all ears. We have been testing various music for its soothing effects. Riley enjoys Vampire Weekend, while Sanna is more of a Belle and Sebastian fan. Riley is trying Johnny Cash at the moment.
Saturday, July 26, 2008


So, it has come to my attention that there are loyal blog readers who are not happy with the frequency and quantity of pictures/posts. I believe I made it clear early on that the only way to make this site fit everyones needs was to give feedback. If you dont ask, your not going to get it. From now on, I welcome and comments or suggestions, positive or negative. I was disappointed with the completely positive posts from everyone today. Noone had the balls to say either baby looked funny, or like them (implying that they had fathered my children). Anyway, step up your game blog commenters, or this will just be another lame baby blog.

More Babies!!!!!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008


After a very long day of labor, we welcomed Sanna Marie Smith and Riley Isabel Smith into this world! Laurin was induced at 730AM, and started pushing around 900. At about 11, there had been no progress, so a decision to perform a c-section was made. Both babies came out quickly and are very healthy. Sanna came out first, and weighed 5lbs 10oz. Riley came out second and weighed 6lbs 10oz. Both babies are spoiled already, only agreeing to sleep when help. Riley is turning into a good eater/sleeper, but Sanna is still working out the kinks. I will give them another 24 hours, or we are going to have to get new kids. We have been up for about 24 hours. Enjoy the pictures, there will be much more to come after I sleep and we unleash the myriad of cute outfits we packed. In the pic where they are together, Sanna is on the left with the white hat.