Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Single Dad

With Laurin and Grandma off to California for a long weekend of fun in the rain, the girls and I struggled to survive the 80 degree sunny days last weekend in Indianapolis. We had cookouts with friends, watched soccer, went to multiple parks, and had a pretty good time. If you just keep them moving, they never have time to think of things to whine/fight about. Now, if we could just get rid of Sanna's nightmares and Riley's bladder alarm that goes off every morning at 5, things would be perfect.


Patti said...

You are a good Daddy!

Nancy Hendrickson said...

Ryan, You are well on your way to Father of the Year 2012! Keep up the good work!!!!

Kathy said...

What a Dad!! The girls look like they are having fun. Bladder alarm no liquids after 7pm should do it....

Grammy Smith said...

Precious memories. You're a good daddy and did a great job.