Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, January 25, 2012


What?!? What's wrong? Oh, you want some more of this? Apparently the two people that actually read this blog are disappointed with the lack of posts lately. Sooooo, ask and you shall receive:)

We really haven't been all that busy lately, but the hustle and bustle of daily life tends to wear us out around here. The girls have done some cool things since we got back from Florida, but we haven't done a very good job in the photo documentation department. They went to see the Disney Princesses on Ice, which they LOVED every second of, while Ryan and I would have rather been getting root canals. We took out a second mortgage on the house to fund the 2 beers (TOTALLY essential, I promise) and two plastic princesses that we bought at the show, but I must say that it was worth it just to watch them react with such excitement.

The only other noteworthy event was the girls promotion ceremony for their karate class that they take at school. After a few months of classes they finally received their yellow belts. Parents were invited to this ceremony, but it was on a Monday at their normal class time in the middle of the day, so I figured that not many people would be able to make it, no big deal. WRONG. According to Riley I was THE ONLY ONE who didn't watch. Talk about guilt. Just one more parenting fail I guess. Naturally I assured them that I would leave work to watch their next promotion ceremony. Won't make that mistake twice. The other kids must have stay-at-home, non-working, parents who send their kids to daycare five days a week anyways. They must be able to clear their casual lunching/shopping/spa treatment schedules at the drop of a hat. Lesson learned, my bad.

So since we have no photo documentation of recent events, you will have to settle for a few more pictures from Florida. We sure are missing the warm weather right about now!

Nanni LOVED playing in the ocean.

Riley was finally over her fear of sand this year, but still approached all activities with extreme caution. She had fun looking cute and searching for "perfect" shells. Oh boy, this one's gonna be a handful:)

They built a "swimming pool" down by the water.

Awww, occasionally they look like they love each other (in between the screaming, yelling, screeching and swatting)

I can't believe how old they look now. No babies here. I fear that they will start acting like teenagers soon.

We celebrated Great Aunt Patti's 25th birthday while we were in Florida. She sure does age gracefully:) Now the girls ask at least three times a day if it is THEIR birthday yet.

We had to ride the carousel at Sea World 500 times. Okay twice, but waiting in line made it feel like 500 times:)

We even took the flamingo paddle boats out for a spin.

We saw three different shows at Sea World: dolphins/birds, seals/walruses/otters, and orcas. Here's a shot of the Shamu show.

Well people, that's all I've got for now. We will try to start posting more so that Riley doesn't call us out on being the only parents on Earth who don't blog about every moment of their kids' lives:)


Bri said...

I seriously cannot believe that you don't spend your waking hours documenting the lives of your children. I know it's tough, but I make lots of time for it between going to the spa, getting mani/pedis, and buying stylish new shoes.

BTW, your girls are awesome. Not only are they the cutest things ever, they could probably kick my ass with their karate skills.

Patti said...

haha Go Riley!!!! Keep on those parents about updating the blog!!!!

Grammy Smith said...

Thanks for the new photos. Further proof they are the cutest twins ever!


Loved the newsy blog, Laurin! Great writing...and terrific pics...

Kathy said...

Hey what happened to my comments that I entered days ago?
I check out the site daily so I will not miss any new blogs.


Mental Diarrhea said...

i was about to call and tell you how behind you must be in every area of life if you cant manage to blog. seriously.