Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

State Fair Revisited

Last week, we made our state-required trip to the fair. It was about 90 minutes of pure hell. At least we made it an athletic endeavor by biking there, which saved us a dollar on our tickets I think. The only ride we tried were the ponies. There was no fried food consumed. We saw a couple pigs, a giant ox, and an elephant (which apparently costs $6/person to ride, so we told the girls the elephant was tired or they were too small or something extremely creative). All in all, the girls enjoyed the time, but the heat tired them out quickly. The ride home (I pulled the girls in their bike stroller) was filled with screaming and fighting (someone touched someone or something). Countdown until next year.


Bri said...

Hmmm, maybe you could join the Drlich family in a state fair visit next year, because we are SUPER GOOD at failing at going to places. At least we could all be stressed out together.

Kathy said...

Glad it was before the storm. Sounds like fun.


Maria said...

This made me laugh so hard. Kevin also thought it was very funny. He said even imagining it was like having a nightmare. It makes me feel less guilty for never having taken our kids.

Nancy Hendrickson said...

I am so sad the kids weren't able to experience the deep fried butter. Possibly that is why they screamed on the way home??? It looks like Riley was a very serious horsewoman:) Now you can add the Indiana State Fair to your 2011 fondest moments scrapbook.
PS I would have loved to have seen the giant ox (is that what is was?)

Patti said...

I love the backwards John Deere hat. Perfect for the State Fair!