Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Photos Du Jour

No big story to tell today, just a quick photo session that yielded some gold (in my biased opinion). Riley was a big diva after her nap today. She is also far less cooperative during photo sessions, so most of my pics are of my little angel Sanna. It should be noted that Sanna is very much a diva in her own way, but enjoys hamming it up for the camera as you can see.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Well both are Angels. You need to get a video of them doing "Beat it". Sanna really gets into it.I like the flower pose. I managed to save 5 roses out of the bouquet you sent. Imagine !! Can't believe they will be three (3) very soon.
Kisses to all.

Love G.A.Kathy and Mimi too.