Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day?

On Mother's Day, the girls would like to present this message to the mother they love so much (but not as much as the Wonder Pets apparently). Hidden in this 4 minute rambling are some nice comments about the mother who has put up with nearly a year of the terrible twos times two, changed their many diapers, fed them enjoyable meals three times a day, and run back upstairs ~3 times per night to get something Sanna is certain she needs to sleep through the night.



What a really perfect family photo...looks like a frame job for us!!

The video was cute...someday they will get the concept...

Love you all...

Maria said...

Valiant effort at redirecting Ryan:)
I love your new family picture!

Kathy said...

I am sure that the MOM" love for them is evident in these two wonderful daughters. Of course then there is Wonder Pets. They may have to come to the girls rescue. Love the picture. Beautiful family.
Happy Mother's Day .

Mental Diarrhea said...

that was hilarious. I think if you had said "do you love Aunt Angela Bermes more than momma" they would have said "YESSSS"