Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, May 23, 2011

Backyard Birthday Bash

Sunday evening we went to an impromtu birthday bash in the Iannucci's backyard. These pictures are in reverse chronological order. We didnt show up in our underwear and end up clothed. The water table was a hit, but Riley didnt want to be in her wet clothes. It took every bit of my debate/parenting skills to get her to keep her underwear on. It did work out well when the cupcakes came out. Riley devoured a couple in record time. Half of the frosting would have ended up on her shirt if it was on. Erin was excited to begin her terrible twos. Our girls told her how much fun it is to get whatever you want through tantrums.


Kathy said...

Oh the joys of parenthood and childhood. Here they worked out well to everyone's delight. Cupcake timing is everything.

G.A.Kathy and Mimi

Ryan Iannucci said...

Thats an awesome picture of you four! Melissa

Mental Diarrhea said...

Riley is going to kill you for that picture when she is older.