Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, April 29, 2011

Did You Miss Us? Here is What We Look Like.

Sorry for the time off. We decided to go to England/Scotland and forgot to blog when we came back. Lots happened. The girls had lots of fun with their grandparents/aunts. Riley has been dry for a week as I write this. Sanna currently has a present waiting for me in her pants after I finish typing this. It might be an extra long blog post. The girls have adjusted to their part-time school and actually talk about going there in a positive way now. No more tears at dropoff time either. I will put up some pics from the big easter egg hunt next time. It was a huge success and was called 'the best easter egg hunt ever'. That might have been by me. Laurin is on her way to Louisville to play soccer in a geriatric 6v6 tournament. Lets hope she comes back in one piece. We have a fun weekend of playing outside, watching soccer, and Maxine's Chicken and Waffles. Ill let you know how it goes.


Away We Go said...

Sanna looks like a woman now...I need to get to Indy.

Love that they are in flip flops, so cute!

What editing tool did you use on the sidewalk pics? SO cool!

Mental Diarrhea said...

those pics are awesome -- very cool - you're so talented ,, and they are so beautiful. If you need a break, for reals I can watch them for a bit.


Wowee! These pics are phenomenal and belong in competition. You are sooooo good!!!!! And one can see you are working with photoshop. Go for it!!!

The girls ARE growing up and I can see those feminine wiles sharpening~~

Love you all...good luck to Laurin!

Kathy said...

Hey great shots Ryan. They are getting so grown up. We watched Riley succeed with her potty training when I was there and Sanna can when she choses..Wonderful girls. They straightened me out on so many subjects. I am now able to discern the toy story characters; know how to sing Thriller and Beat it just to name a few things. Loved seeing them.
Thanks for the flowers. I saved 5 roses. They must have been sturdy blooms.

Love G.A.Kathy

Patti said...

Wow! What beautiful girls and beautiful pictures!!!!