Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Christmas Revisited

Grandma and Papa returned from Florida and brought Christmas with them. Most of the gifts the girls received while there were not able to be transported on the flight home. Somehow, Grandma and Papa fit it all in their car and brought it to us. The biggest item was the stuffed Dawson dog from GG and Great Papa, which was approximately double Dawson's actual size. He is Sanna's favorite lounging buddy. Riley likes to give him hugs and kisses.


Patti said...

I can't believe that BIG Dawson FINALLY made it home! He has missed Sanna and Riley! He was afraid that Grandma and Grandpa wouldn't be able to fit him in the car. I know that he is SO happy now with all of the love!

Unknown said...

oh my gosh two Christmas' -what lucky girls. Love the hats as well. Of course they are so cute everything looks great on the two of them

Mental Diarrhea said...

that is how animals should be. stuffed.
JUST JOKING - - sort of.