Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Yooooo Gabba Gabba!

Well, the day we had all been waiting for finally arrived yesterday. We put on our dancin' shoes and made our way to the Murat Theatre to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live. Unfortunately, Ryan decided that driving to see clients would be more exciting than Gabba, so he took off in the morning. Well, maybe he decided that we all should eat this month. Regardless, we were all sad that he couldn't come with us to our first family concert/show. Poor Ryan. Please forgive me, but I only took about 15 pictures as opposed to Ryan's usual 115.

We didn't get to meet any of the characters, but the girls did get to stand next to this super sweet Muno cutout.

Getting them to stand for pictures was like pulling teeth, and they only like to make their silly/cheesy faces now.

The girls got some rockin' DJ Lance Rock glasses to wear during the show.

Their favorite part of the whole show was probably when Brobee was singing the balloon song, and then balloons began to fall from the ceiling.

The balloons were so big that they could barely see over them, but they insisted on holding them the entire time.

I can't wait to see what show we will go to next!!!!


Patti said...

Oh my goodness! How EXCITING! I love the outfit too! They are SO beautiful (even with the cheesy faces and the "eyes")

mariellen said...

Looks like they had a great time! What's next... Wonder Pets?

Bri said...

I thought about you guys yesterday and was wondering how it went. They are so adorable!!! Maybe the boys could go to their next concert with them. As long as it is not the Jonas Brothers.

G.A.Sandy said...

Thanks for sharing, Laurin. You all look great! One just has to look at the faces of Riley and Sanna with the balloons to see how much they were enjoying themselves!

Aunt Sandy

Kathy said...

What a Mom to take the lovelies to the show. Ryan missed out and is sad I am sure. Yo Gaba Gaba!

All I had was Captain Kangeroo, Howdy Doody and Miss Frances. Of course there was also Kukla, Fran and Ollie. Grandma Smith remembers them. Oh yah and Cardboard boxes instead of Ipods. Yipee!!
I have been in the sun to long in the yard. Sorry.

Love you all

Great Aunt Kathy