Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pumpkins Revisited

We made a return trip to Beasley's Orchard in Danville, IN. As a point of reference, the first pic is from one year ago when we visited the same orchard. Last year we couldnt partake in the bounce house and brought home lots of pumpkins. This year, we thoroughly enjoyed the bounce house and chose not to bring any pumpkins home. This was somewhat annoying to me as we had to endure a knee-wrenching trip on the hayride to get to the pumpkin patch. I guess the dry, hot summer wreaked havoc on the pumpkin crop this year, as most were baby-sized (which was cute), and the quantity was far less.

There wasnt much interest in the large pumpkins, but Riley did try her best to pick this one up.

Sanna had a series of love-hate relationships with the baby pumpkins. At first, she was into the green pumpkins, then the orange and green, then finally the orange. She would pick one up, carry one around like it was her new best friend, then drop it all of a sudden to move on to another. The pic below was at the end of one relationship.


Patti said...

Yay! A new desktop backgroud picture! Thank you!

G.A.Sandy said...

And that, Patti, is exactly my sentiments!!!

Merci buckets...

Love them all!!

Aunt Sandy

mariellen said...

Looks like it was hot, but lots of fun, despite the slim pickens in the pumpkin department. Looks like a have a new pix for my desk tomorrow, but which one?

Unknown said...

Oh what cute pumpkins. The little faces are a scream so expressive. thanks for sharing.

Great Aunt Kathy