Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Potty Time Revisited

So, these pictures have nothing to do with this topic, but they are fun nonetheless. They were taken while I was away. Apparently everyone has lots of fun while I am gone.

Back to the topic at hand. Our girls have ramped up their interest in using their various potties. We have had numerous sucesses in the past week. Laurin may go crazy from having to constantly take off their diapers/clothes. Also, every time one needs to go, the other one goes crazy if she cant try as well. If any of you are fans of the Guiness Book of World Records, we may be in it soon. Sanna will soon be the youngest person to get a hemmhoroid. If she hears that Riley poops on the potty, she is going to as well, even if it kills her. I want to take a video of her from the neck up working her magic. He face turns all shades of red, she grips the handles on the potty, and she lets it rip. She always finds a way to make something happen. When we get these girls out of diapers we will probably have to buy a ferrari or something. I wonder what the pile of diapers we have gone through in the last two years would look like.


Kathy said...

Grandma Souza said anything worth doing is worth doing poorly till you get it right..They get A's for their successes.Loved seeing the lady bug tent. Hope they are enjoying it. Sorry it did not get delivered as I had planned. Soon it won't be potty time but play dates and school and then oh dear it goes so fast. treasure it. We do.

Love G.A.Kathy

G.A.Sandy said...

Sorry to say, Ryan, but looks like girls night out and lots and lots of flower power a whole new meaning!
I am sure that they are saving lots of goodies for their Daddy (no pun re potty training...).

Aunt Sandy

Patti said...

Little Hippie girls!!!! WITH Monkey Shoes!