Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, July 30, 2010

Lil Kickers

On Wednesday we followed Laurin to her soccer game as an excuse to get out of the house. The girls met up with some of their friends who also happened to be at the game. After being allowed to climb the stairs in the stands they were off to the races. They both went up and down about 50 times. Thankfully they would pause long enough for me to take a few pictures with Uncle Franks camera. They almost ran onto the field at one point to bring Laurin water, but we grabbed them before they became part of the game. The girls must be good luck charms as Laurin's team pulled out a last second victory.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Taking it to Another Level

Our children took a break from training for their futures in mixed martial arts cage fighting to be unbearably cute. I should show the pictures of Sanna crying while she fought off Laurin trying to give her cute buns, but that would ruin the cuteness. Maybe they were so happy to have just gone for a walk with the Costlows. Maybe it was the heat. Maybe it was the proximity to nap time. I dont care. It all came together to produce a photo shoot that will make their grandmothers heads explode.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Today was the big day. The bounce house arrived as did all of our guests and the 100 degree heat. Thankfully our backyard was well shaded. Grandma Smith made the sweetest Yo Gabba Gabba cakes the world has ever seen. Riley drank 12-15 juice boxes. Sanna bounced endlessly with all her friends. There were no baby fights over toys, vehicles, or food. It was a magical day. We are hoping all the fun and heat will lead to some extra sleeping, but that is normal wishful thinking. Thanks to everyone that came out to make Sanna and Riley's second birthdays their best yet. Let the planning begin for next year. Im not sure how we will top it.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Were Baaaaaaaack!!!!!!!

After our flurry of posts over the 4th I gave myself a couple weeks off to regroup. Thankfully, Grandma and Papa Smith came this weekend to watch our ladies. Laurin and i had our annual 6v6 soccer tournament. I made the horrible mistake of signing up for two teams (as did Laurin, but apparently she doesn't get as affected by the 90+ degree heat like I do). We had 6 games on Saturday afternoon and 3 today. I am proud to say that we took home the coed over 30 championship and Laurins team also won the womens over 30 division. Our mens over 30 team choked big time in the playoffs. Anyway, the girls had a weekend full of watersides, dance parties, tent parties, gatorade (which is not only the thirst quencher, but also the vomit inducer, and more watersliding). With the big 2nd birthday party coming up next weekend we should have plenty to offer soon.

Monday, July 5, 2010

So Nautical

On our last day in sunny South Haven we took the ladies out for a boat ride down the river. We saw ducks, turtles, geese, and oddly-named boats (one named 'Mine' that was for sale). We brought two bags of hotdog/hamburger buns to share with the wildlife, but most of it ended up in Sanna's stomach. The girls edged closer and closer to the water as they leaned over the edge of the inflatable. I wonder if Sanna would have jumped in to pet the ducks if we wouldnt have stopped her. We returned back to our boring normal life this afternoon and will try to create some excitement to fill the blog after and action-packed weekend.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Independent Women

We escaped the oppressive heat of Indianapolis and headed for the oppressive heat of South Haven. High of 87 and sunny today, so we should have more chances for water photography. The girls received their second birthday present from Grandma and Papa Hendrickson. We are now the toughest biker gang in South Haven, which isnt saying much. The girls have mastered ringing their bells to let people know they are coming. Pedaling is another story. Luckily there is a coast mode which allows us to push them while they rest their feet on the pedals. The girls also took their first dip in Lake Michigan. Sanna wanted to fly in the air while Riley wanted to be held tight as the small waves were a cause for concern. After their swimming lessons later this summer they will be on their way to being better swimmers than their father, which isnt saying much.