Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, April 17, 2010

More Fun = Less Blogging

We have been out and about for the last couple weeks. I was in San Francisco and the great weather has seen us at the park most afternoons/evenings. Since the park is no longer a new and exciting thing I havent been bringing my camera as often. Also, I havent been stuck on the 3rd floor with nothing to do but document our lack of excitement, so I apologize for the lack of posts. I know the guy in China is wicked pissed. I brought the camera today and caught some of the fun. There are also some pics from the Damron/Iannucci party last week.

That bucket was full of beer before she put it on her head. That is why she looks that way.

Introducing Erin to the wonderful world of cheerios. Erin was back again today and ate an entire box.

Riley swears she was outside the nostril, but the jury is still out. Scratch or pick?

Riley broke the records, hanging for 23 seconds. She is close to doing a pull up too.

Sanna is only up to about 15 seconds and needs closer supervision.


Patti said...

I thought you were NEVER going to post again!!!!! I can't LIVE without my blog! Thanks for the new pics!

G.A.Sandy said...

Hey--WONDERFUL to see your pics again!!
And so the guy is from China!!!!

Riley and Sanna are really getting athletic...I am impressed.

Aunt Sandy

mariellen said...

Your blogs will go a long way in helping mend the fences between the U.S. and China.
Of course, the girls may be competing against Chinese gymnasts at the 2024 Summer Olympics.

Kathy said...

They are looking so much older these two wonderful girls. Nice pictures. Grandma would love the butterflies. Leo as well.

Glad you are keeping it up.