Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week of Firsts

This has been a wild week. Our girls have had a rollercoaster ride with this cold/flu. It began as a sniffle, turned into runny noses, then a cough/sneeze, then a mild fever, then diarrhea, and finally a massive projectile vomit from Riley. This is over the course of 10-14 days. They seemed to be doing better today until Riley coated the stairs with blueberries and milk.

Riley had a breakthrough, going #2 on the toilet on her first try. This was followed by a couple of blanks over the next two days. They really like going on the toilet, but I dont think they really understand when to ask. That probably has to do with the fact that we havent trained them at all. We just have such high expectations for their intelligence we figured they would just get it already.

Sanna was actually the one that started the party by asking to go potty. She just hung out for a while chit chatting with her sister before asking to get down.

This one isnt exactly a first, but we are choosing to forget about our brief yet costly trip to Great Clips where the lady snipped at Sanna three times and charged us 11 dollars. Fruit snacks seemed to be the key to Sanna being quiet the entire time. She got a real haircut and is looking pretty sweet. Coupled with her stomach bug she should be bikini-ready by Friday when we leave for Florida.

Momma had just gotten a cut before Sanna. Sanna really liked the animals on her cape, as did Riley. Riley wandered the salon smiling at people and trying to take things from the various stations

Here we see Riley enjoying Gabba post-puke, post-bath. She was only dressed in a diaper so we bundled her up in her blankey.

Same for Sanna without the puke.


Patti said...

OH! The haircut it TOO cute!

G.A.Sandy said...

Loved these pics, and the historical potty visits..Great Grandma Angi would be proud!

We are counting the days to Florida as well and REAL HUGS!!!!

Love and safe and happy and quiet trip!

G.A. Sandy

Bri said...

Poor little buggahs. I hope they start feeling better. Puke sucks.

They are so advanced!! Good job on the potty! How much longer until they can babysit my kids???

Kathy said...

Great Grandma Angi used to read to us as we sat on the potty but she stopped because she was concerned we would have an integrated optical and rectal nerve causing us to have a shitty outlook on life. Thank Goodness she stopped just in time.


mariellen said...

Look at Auntie Kathy with her humor..... are you hitting the wine again.
