Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

These Arent My Kids

Over the past few days, Riley has gained an odd obsession with birds. She wants to see birds 24 hours a day. On the computer, tv, out the window, or up close in personal, she loves it. She says 'birdies' from the second she gets up until bedtime. Sanna enjoys the birds as well, but isnt as obnoxious about it. As a punishment for something I did to my mother-in-law, she thought it would be fun if she made me go to the bird sanctuary near the condo. Of course the trip was really about making Riley's head explode from excitement, but it was pure hell for me. The bird sanctuary was fine, as their birds are mostly injured pelicans and such in net cages being nursed back to health. But, the word must have gotten out about the abundance of bird food at the sanctuary, because every other bird in Florida came to hang out. They look down on you from the roofs of the sanctuary buildings, making sudden movements and screaming at us. We made our way through the bird gauntlet and out to the beach. There we found a flock of aggressive seagulls waiting to make me crap my pants. They nearly succeeded as you will see in the first pic. If you have the guts, click on it to make it full size. Overall we had a good time. That is if you count 5 people who had a good time and one person who had a horrible time.


Bri said...

I thought I would comment on the important part of this blog -- Laurin's tshirt. USRowing representin!

mariellen said...

I'm proud of you, Ryan, putting aside your phobia to allow your children to enjoy the bird sanctuary. See, you survived. I think I'll get Riley a bird for her birthday-- a loud, large parrot


Maria said...

at least you got a nice family picture.
lots of birds in one place really creeps me out. i would not have enjoyed this trip either

G.A.Sandy said...

LOVE the black and white family photo....just beautiful! Ah, Ryan, forgot about the bird thingie....

Thanks for the running commentary and pics on the trip- we love it!!

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

Caw Caw you can take it..Great action shot of the gulls. Did you have a bag of fries or something Ryan. See you Friday. Oh a little birdie told me you were coming south that day..