Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, February 15, 2010

Random Assortment of Pics for Your Viewing Pleasure

We made it back from Florida yesterday (barely). We were welcomed back to Indianapolis with a snow torm this morning. Here are some pics I didnt get to post before we left.

This is not Riley's poop face. She was just extremely excited to be at the park with other kids and one big green ball.

The girls pretended to be sweet an innocent as they passed the ball back and forth with their new friend. They were secretly hatching a plan to run off with that sweet green ball and never look back.

Laurin and I braved the cold on the last night of our trip to take a stab at sunset photography. It turned out to be woth it, despite almost losing a toe to the frigid weather.

Laurin was a little more enthusiastic, jumping for joy at the sight of the setting sun.

This is Laurins best Karate Kid impression. Who knew she had such great hops.

Our visit to Port Charlotte went well. It was full of wii bowling and great photo opps.

Not a bad looking group.


Patti said...

Beautiful pictures! You are very talented!

Kathy said...

IT WAS ANOTHER BLESSING FOR ME TO HAVE SO MANY OF MY FAMILY TOGETHER TO ENJOY. The Wii games were wild and competitive. The meals were terrific and the love to all and from all was healing for me as only my family knows.

mariellen said...

It was such a special time to have everyone together. What fun!

G.A.Sandy said...

Hey- wait a minute...what was that last comment???

And wow. what a way to spend a "significant"
birthday...the pics are wonderful and speeding their way thither and yon...

G.A. Sandy