Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, February 21, 2010


So, we finally got organized enough to make it to Gymboree. Showing up at gymboree with twins without two parents is frowned upon apparently, so we signed up for Saturday classes.
The girls had a sweet time as you will see from these pictures. We did our best to disguise their running noses from the other parents as they rand from contraption to contraption. The theme of the class was problem solving/circles. One of those things was a part of the class, Im not sure about the other. The biggest hit of the class was undoubtedly the bubble machine, which was much more intense than our bubble gun. We will be back this Saturday for more 'learning'.

"you want a piece of me? Back up off my inner tube"

It took them long enough to realize they were touching that I was able to snap a couple photos.

This is not from gymboree. It is just Riley with her pants jacked up to her armpits showing off the jumping ability she inherited from her mother.


Nancy Hendrickson said...

Wow, what fun! The girls look like mirror images sitting back to back with their pigtails and elephant shirts. Also, I might add, all of the Hendrickson women are known far and wide for their extreme jumping abilities! :)

G.A.Sandy said...

What a hoppin' good time...! Love all the pics including "do not mess with me" Sanna...must be a real hoot there!

Love you;

G.A. Sandy

mariellen said...

I can remember their Daddy going to a similar class and having a good time jumping and climbing. I have similar pictures of him.

Patti said...

Nice butt Riley!

Kathy said...

ok it is clear Do NOT MESS with the Souza Smith Hendrickson take your life in your hands. Go girls. Jump like your life depended on it..