Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Da Plane, Da Plane

Being the adventurous duo that we are, we endeavored to fly with our girls for the third time. We wised up slightly this time, buying three seats for the four of us. We had an entire side to ourselves. Luckily, we also had sympathetic people around us. We had stocked laurins bag of tricks full of fruit snacks, fruit roll-ups, new stuffed animals, and books. We also bought a couple new Elmo DVDs. We couldnt probably charter a private jet for what it costs to keep the kids entertained in coach. Sadly, our promptness/earliness brought us to the airport well before our flight so we used up a lot of our tools of distraction (an entire tin of lil' crunchies) prior to even boarding the flight. Just to mess with us, the airline thought it was necessary for us to deice the plane prior to taking off. That added a nice 30 minutes on the plane prior to our 2 hour flight. Despite all of these things working against us the girls were pretty good. They ran around the terminal pusing their strollers, which let us know the Benadryl wasnt working. They cried for a second as we got situated on the plane, but were pretty entertained by food/drink/elmo the rest of the time. We arrived in one piece abotu 30 minutes late and have been enjoying Florida ever since. Here are a couple pics from our pre-flight fruit roll up and one of the sunrise this morning.

Riley calls her glasses her 'eyes' and wears them as often as she is allowed.


mariellen said...

Congratulations on the successive flight. I'm sure they loved the Elmo videos and the treats. Have a great week and enjoy the warm weather. See you on Friday.


Kathy said...

I am trying to warm it up here for you all. Hope it works. Enjoy

G.A Kathy

G.A.Sandy said...

What great pics, including the colorful tongues and the Betty Davis eyes...

The girls must have caused a lot of smiles!


G.A. Sandy