Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pic of the Day (5/30/09)

If you cant tell, Sanna is underneath our glass coffee table. There is about a 10" clearance. Fun.

Video and Pic Fun

We put this apparatus next to the couch to stop Sanna from getting behind the couch. I guess it worked. She stopped after she got inside it.

Typical Riley

Riley having fun in the rocking horse made for Laurin by Great Grandpa Laurn.

Sanna living on the edge.
Friday, May 29, 2009

Pic of the Day (5/28/09)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Perfect Storm of Poop

This story is extremely graphic, so the faint of heart should turn away now.  The following events are completely true.   Over the past couple weeks Sanna has gotten quite mobile.  Her favorite thing now is to stand by herself or pull up on any reachable surface.  Also over the last couple weeks Sanna has gotten a bit of a rash just above her booty.  She scratches it now and again.  It is almost gone, but not quite all the way.  We have started eating real food recently, mostly fruit.  The result has been some less than solid poo.  That is the back story that will make the following events seem far more plausible.  Also, I should note that Laurin really likes Regis and Kelly.  So, this morning I was taking care of some things downstairs while Laurin watched the girls upstairs.  They had already eaten their solids and bottles for the morning which means the digestive system should be creating some fun soon.  When I walked back upstairs, the first thing I see is Sanna standing next to the couch with what looks like pudding smeared all over the couch, her face, and her back.  I quickly came to the sad realization that it was not in fact pudding, but poo.  She had created a very liquid blowout, which was made worse by her reaching her hands in her diaper to scratch her butt, putting them back on the couch to balancer herself and then in her mouth for good measure.  I let out a very manly scream/curse to alert Laurin, who was hypnotized by the geriatric charms of Regis Philbin.  All this had happened about 4 feet from her comfortably rested head on the couch.  So, Laurin grabbed Sanna and began to use wipes to remove the excrement from her hands, eyes, mouth, back, and ears most likely.  I ran downstairs and lugged the steam cleaner up three flights of stairs to get to work.  My steam cleaning skills being unmatched, there should be no sign there was ever such a debacle.   Pictures of this event would surely violate the terms of service on blogger, so I leave you with a pic of Sanna from today before the event.
Monday, May 25, 2009

Pic of the Day (5/25/09)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pic of the Day

After too many rolls of crap, I think I may have finally figured out the old 35mm manual camera. This entire roll was pretty good, and can be seen in flickr.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wacky Wednesday

Here I give you possibly the best 'Pic of the Day' ever along with Riley's first crawling video. Enjoy!

Cuteness Explosion

We had our photo consultation today, and the results are glorious. Empty your bladders and ready a box of Kleenex. You are either going to weep, or pee yourself from all the cuteness. In an attempt to be depicted in a positive light, our consultationista Katie bribed us with cupcakes. She dealt with my attempts at comedy as well as my demands on her photo software well. The results can be seen at Click on the link to enter the site, not the blog. Then, click 'clients' at the top. The password is smith. If anyone wants to acquire photos, let me know. Apparently they wont photoshop babies, even really pudgy ones, so dont ask.

Riley is Crawling!!

Video to come. Its gonna get crazy up in here.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sneak Preview

There is a sneak peak at the pictures taken yesterday on the photographer's blog: The full gallery will be available after tomorrow (our consultation) I believe. The images are copyright protected, so no dowloading and saving all you computer geniouses.
Monday, May 18, 2009

Photo Shoot

Well, we had our photo shoot today.  The woman was very nice.  She left us with a couple of sample pics.  I couldnt believe it, but she took all of her pictures with a camera phone.  It is amazing how far technology has come.  Riley was born to be photographed.  She sat nicely in all of the poses and smiled most of the time.  Sanna roamed and flopped all over the place.  I think we got two shots of her and about 200 of Riley.  Even Frankie was a better subject.  We hope to get the results of the shoot later this week.  There will be an online gallery to see the pics.
Sunday, May 17, 2009


This is probably the best 'sharing'/playing video yet. It is a week old or so. Sorry for the lack of posts. I have chosen to spend my time touring the Midwest instead of handling my blogging duties. Also, we have been preparing all week for our big photo shoot tomorrow. I think this will be our first step towards modeling/pageants. Also this week was Aunt Katies graduation from Purdue. The girls came with us to the after party and were well behaved amidst the many people. Riley is much more mobile, but still not technically crawling. She chooses not to more than not being able to. She is actually close to standing on her own. Sanna is a big pain in the butt. She crawls everywhere and gets into everything. She is trying her best to kill herself by tipping over end tables, computers, and baby chairs on top of herself. I dont think any amount of babyproofing could protect this child from herself. She is already trying to climb the wood stairs. If anybody knows the best place to get baby helmets and padded walls, let me know. Also, she has this sweet new trick that makes diapering her near impossible. She waits until you put the new diaper underneath her and starts thrusting her hips in the air. She repeats and laughs until you are forced to place the diaper perfectly underneath her and press down on her stomach to hold her in place. fun times. Anyway, look for us on toddlers and tiaras next season. Its gonna be fierce.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Riley Gone Wild

She is on her way to becoming the next Miss California.
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Our 1st Mother's Day

For our girl's first Mother's Day we decided to go big or go home.  We attempted what most would consider a daring feat: fingerpainting with 9 month olds.  Being the good planner I am, I acquired some sweet finger paints and paper from the store early in the week.  The big problem was how to pull this off since Laurin never leaves the house without the babies.  Thanks to Bermes finally graduating med school, the perfect window was presented to us.  I tried to start this project as a one-man job, but I quickly learned that it would be impossible to keep paint off of the floor (I was on the third floor with the girls on a big blanket to cover the carpet), keep their hands out of their mouths, and keep the painting going without Sanna crawling away to decorate the tv.  So, I called in Melissa and Ryan, who finally did something to earn their Godparent status.  It was Melissa's idea to move them to the high chairs.  She is a genious.  Ryan got bored part of the way through the process and watched soccer.

As you can see, Sanna is super excited to show her love for her mom through art.  She cried when we made her hand prints and seemed minimally interested in her craft.

You can see the blue left over on Riley's hands after her initial hand prints.  Despite the paint packaging proclaiming its 'washability', it was no easy feat to get this crap off.  It took baby wipes, hot water, soap, and a towel.

Riley was much more into the process.  She started crinkling her paper, so we had to control her excitement.  As you will see from the final results she is destined to follow in her Great Aunts footsteps.
Once again, Sanna enjoying life and happy to be doing all she can to show how much she loves her momma.  You can see the end results below.  Riley's is the one with blue hands.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Suggestions Needed

Thanks to my willingness to attend the Baby Expo and ability to write my name on a piece of paper, we are the lucky winners of a photo shoot with Elaine from Little Lives Photography ( She will be coming to our house on 5/18 to take professional photos of our girls. We will probably do a combination of indoor, outdoor, and park shots. If anybody has any requests or ideas for photos, let me know. Obviously there is no shortage of picutres featuring our girls, but these should be of much higher quality. Our girls will be working out every day and cutting back on formula to slim down for the shoot.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oh Crap Again

She reached this position with no assistance.    She has repeated the act about 2o time since.  Riley tried once and fell over.  She needs to figure out crawling first.  We need to get on the babyproofing.

Pic of the Day (5/5/09)

Really excited about something....
Monday, May 4, 2009

Slim Does the Happy Dance

We went to the doctor today. Riley is now our slender child, weighing in at 21lb 10oz. She is only in the 90th percentile in weight. She is also 1.5" taller if you believe the nurse's measuring system (laying them on the table and drawing a line at the top of their head, then tickling her leg until it extends fully and drawing another line. then she measures between the two). Sanna is now 22lb 8oz with a bigger dome. Both are healthy apparently. Sanna is in the 95th percentile for weight. We got the "they definitely arent failure to thrives" joke again. Also, the nurse thought we had a boy and a girl, and horribly mispronouced Sanna's name. We have been there like ten times. Anyway, here is a funny video of Riley that Laurin took.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Pics of the Day (5/3/09)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

So we went to the Indianapolis Zoo to add some excitement to our lives when Grandma Nancy and Great Aunt Patti were visiting.  It was a fun, but uneventful trip, but I'll try to share some of the highlights.  

The girls loved riding on the train, but for very different reasons.  Riley enjoyed taking in the scenery, while Sanna loved getting her feet tangled in the chain on the side of the bench and trying to eat it.  Laurin, Patti and Nance enjoyed sitting on hard, butt-injuring train seats that were built for people under 3 feet tall.  
Riley got really excited looking at all of the animals, but became frustrated by those darn invisible barriers.  What a cruel joke.  She promised that she would be gentle with those silly little meerkats ............... until they started taunting her.  As you can see from the previous pic of the day, Sanna was less than impressed with this lame place.  Afterall, none of these animals would fit in her mouth.  
Riley enjoyed leaning over all of the fences to stare at the animals, while Sanna preferred to examine the wood.  She didn't mind getting splinters in her gums apparently.  Trying to eat wood is much more exciting than blankly staring at silly animals that you can't grab, pinch and tourment like Frankie and Owen.
Both girls seemed to like the petting zoo because the animals all came right up to the fence.  Riley's hands and legs were pumping faster than ever before, and even Sanna let out some squeals of delight.  We wouldn't let them get too close for fear of getting kicked out of the zoo for animal cruelty.  They have good intentions, but tend to "play" a little rough.  
Finally it was off to the beautiful gardens.  This would be the perfect place for a nice little twin photo shoot .............. or a mulch/rock eating contest.  This picture sums up the experience and was the best picture that we got of the girls in all of that beautiful scenery.  
After a full day of fun Sanna finally got excited about something.  Apparently exotic animals are boring, but lounging, spitting frogs are pretty darn cool.
We'll try again next year.  Stay tuned.