Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Soooooo, Sanna has now joined her sister in the annoying noise-making business.  However, instead of a yunt Sanna prefers a dangerously high-pitched squeal.  If she is sitting next to you it is so loud and obnoxious that she can make you momentarily deaf.  No joke, this is a SERIOUS noise!  Riley was at least kind enough to reserve her yunt for moments when she was frustrated or wanted attention, but Sanna prefers to squeal every 5 to 10 seconds all day long.  She just laughs when I tell her "NO" in my best, very stern, motherly voice.  Good times.  After about the 1,000th squeal of the day, and after finishing her dinner, we decided that her first time out was in order for neglecting to use her inside voice.  It lasted about 10 seconds and was full of squeals.  I don't think that she got the message.  I hope that this is not a sign of things to come:)  


Big Ryan said...

I am so sad I missed the fun. I am sure she will be over this phase by the time you get back.

Patti said...

This post actually sounds like it is coming from mommy in lieu of daddy! Is this a first? Keep 'em coming mom! (and quit being mean to my babies....)



G.A.Sandy said...

Too cute...the first time out! A milestone, Laurin, and the first of many more. These pics are so sweet, the one also with Riley peeking around the corner,too.
We can see them growing so quickly!!

Thanks for keeping the pics coming...

G.A. Sandy