Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ryan's Other Favorite Daughter


She's baaaaaaaack and loved more than ever.  Ryan loves and adores his TWO girls!!!!!!  Let her name be heard everywhere, "Sanna, Sanna, Sanna":)  I've had many requests to bring her back to the blog, so here you go.  Isn't she just precious?  Everyone must realize that Sanna and Riley's father often thinks that he is being funny, even when his commentary is questionable. Sanna can't help the fact that she thinks that her mother is wonderful.  Let's face it, any sane person would prefer me over Ryan.  Am I right, or am I right?:)


Big Ryan said...

I dont support this post. Sanna has yet to apologize. she has been pretty stinkin precious over the last two days, but I havent heard "Im Sorry Daddy". My Riley posts will continue until I get an apology.

Patti said...

Awwwwwwww! Come on daddy! Sanna misses you and loves you very much! :)

G.A.Sandy said...

yeahhhhhhhh..a hug and a smile is worth a thousand words....and besides we all know that Daddy loves his two darlings, Can't fool me...
p.s. just love the opening picture!


Patti said...

Sanna looks like she is eating a big dill picture in your picture at the top of the page. Are you guys feeding her pickles?

Patti said...

dill PICKLE (not dill picture)....

Kathy said...

Oh just wait Ryan..the best is yet to come..With their gene pool they will be ahead of you soon....
Oh Da Da....

Great Aunt Kathy