Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pic of the Day (4/18/09)

Another camera phone pic......sorry


G.A.Sandy said...

No sorry these sort of candid shots as they have a mistiness about them that is very artistic.
Plus, this photo really shows how big the girls are getting as they learn to shop!

Love it;
Have a terrific Sunday y'all


Kathy said...

I hope they are shopping at Shaw's and buying Pepsi products. Cute as ever.

Great Aunt Kathy

Big Ryan said...

No Shaws here. The sales guys out in the Midwest must not be as good for Pepsi, we normally get Coke. If Roger wants to take over Indiana we will switch. Our consumtpion alone would make his numbers.

Jill said...

You are in for many years of I hate Daddy now, and love Mommy. And next thing you know, I think my Daddy is the best Daddy in the whole world and my Mommy is stupid. You get double the drama. You are so lucky.Cause in the end, so long as they have at least one parent they realte to, all is well. can't wait to see it all unfold.