Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Our Other Daughter Crawled...Kinda

After weeks of anticipation, forward crawling has been achieved by Riley's sister (she who wont be named). It requires proper motivation (a cell phone or food) to be the right distance away. If it is too far she gives up and sits up. If it is too close she just falls to her stomach and reaches for it. Meanwhile, Riley just sits there observing. We are joking that after 0 attempts to crawl or go to her stomach over the last two months (she barely even rolls over anymore), Riley will start crawling the same week as it did. So far, every milestone has been achieved by both girls in the same week, which is odd. As the months have progressed though, they have become more and more different, which will surely mean further deviation in physical and mental development. Riley just likes to sit there studying things. She is a maniac in her walkaround playcenter, so we know she is capable of running around. Our other daughter is now trying to pull up on things, which is not so good since more things she grabs are not all that sturdy. Let the babyproofing begin!

1 comment:

G.A.Sandy said...

Hip hip hooray to learn so quickly as do Daddy's,,,,
