Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, April 20, 2009

My New Favorite

As you all know, I have never been bashful about declaring my preference for one daughter either in cuteness or personality. Last night though, my decision was made much easier. Sanna decided she doesnt like me anymore, so it made it all that much easier to annouce that Riley is my favorite. In an attempt to preserve my pride I would like to point out that I had chosen Riley days ago. This whole weekend both girls had been a bit whiny, but they were consoled as usual by picking them up. We have been attempting to pick them up less when they start whining. Last night, Sanna was crying/whining due to her extreme tiredness. Despite two hour-long naps and falling asleep in the car during grocery shopping, she was tired. She clearly takes after her mother. Laurin was downstairs trying to take care of some things, so I was trying to entertain the girls. Even picking up Sanna wouldnt help. Without any more options, I called in reinforcements. Laurin came upstairs and took over. Immediately, Sanna calmed down. Hoping this was some kind of freak coincidence, we tried this scenario (I held Sanna then gave her to Laurin) multiple times. Every time, she freaked out when I was holding her and calmed down when Laurin took her. I am not to happy about this. Laurin will have to increase the frequency of her posts, because from now on all of my posts will be about Riley. She is great and I love her a lot. She is definitely the cuter, smarter daughter.


mariellen said...

Fear not, this too shall pass. She's always been a little more high maintenance, but tomorrow she'll probably be all over you. Have you hit her with any more soccer balls?

Granny Smith

Patti said...

Easy there, easy there big boy! You will be eating your words in a week! :)

G.A.Sandy said...

Now, now, now Daddy....I know that you are just venting your feelings....

Aunt Sandy

Kathy said...

Ryan all females are in this world to stump the male psyche..They already know how to do it..amazing

Great Aunt Kathy