Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Smith Family Christmas!?!

Last weekend Ryan's parents and sister came to town to celebrate Christmas. It may have been a few months late, but it was worth the wait! Ryan's sister, Jenna, is getting married in June, and we are all very excited to see our family grow. Jenna came, along with her soon-to-be husband, Tom, and his adorable daughter Genevieve. Genevieve is just a few months older than Sanna and Riley, so they are beyond thrilled to finally have a cousin. The girls love getting together, especially if it involves sleeping bags and sleepovers:) The weekend was great, and the girls especially had a blast at the neighborhood park.

Pretty ladies! The beautiful bride-to-be and her mother.

COUSINS!!!! (I have no idea what Riley was looking at:)

Three generations of Smiths!

Grammy and Riley.

Riley was in rare form at the park. Check out her face.

Sanna and Mama swingin'. Notice that Woody is never far, no matter where she is:)

Nanni loved catching Woody at the bottom of the slide. All of the girls took turns catching and releasing the ol' Woodster.

Riley and her silly static hair.

Again, Woody getting in on the park fun. I almost feel as though I'm raising three kids. I mean, I have to tuck him into bed, buckle him in the car, wrap him up so that he is warm, etc, etc. Thank goodness that Woody doesn't eat, cry, whine, or talk back.

Typical Nanni face:)

We had such a great weekend with the Smiths, and we hope to get together again soon! We are all practicing our interpretive dances and Michael Jackson dance moves for the big wedding. I sure hope that Jenna appreciates a good moonwalk!
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Parties and Pencils

We've had a busy couple of weeks. Our friends/neighbors, the Iannuccis, just moved to Ireland for 6 months, so we ambushed their house the night before they left to steal their food and interrupt any last minute tasks that they had to complete before their departure. We are truly helpful, loving friends. We wanted a shot of all of the kids together and, as usual, a less than stellar picture was all that we could get. Sadly, this is the best one that we have ever taken of the 4 of them.

Riley and Erin hammin' it up.

The girls went to their friend Maven's birthday party a few weeks ago. This picture of Sanna eating one of the delicious cake lollipops was the best picture of the batch. It is hard to get photo gold when no one will sit still or act interested in our desire to capture cuteness.

This is not the most flattering picture of little Nanni, but she was just so proud of writing all of her Valentine's Day cards that I had to share it. Both girls filled out a Valentine's Day card for each of their classmates, carefully writing each friend's name, and signing their own. They are learning to write all of their letters at school and couldn't have been prouder to accomplish this special Valentine's Day task:)

Riley standing in front of her cards:)

Sanna's famous signature (of course she picked Toy Story cards).

Riley's John Hancock (equally shocking that she picked Barbie cards:)

They will have a Valentine's Day party at school on Tuesday that the parents are invited to, so you KNOW that Ryan and I would NEVER miss that. We have our eyes on parents of the year 2013 since we already had a huge parenting fail in 2012. I know, I know, it's only February, but don't judge us people.

Super Indy

This post has nothing to do with the girls, just the Super Bowl. Everyone in Indy was very impressed with what a great job the city did hosting the Super Bowl, and I think that the rest of the country agreed. It was quite a sight to see, and we enjoyed going down to Super Bowl Village to be in the middle of it all. It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience!

The Smiths came down for media day flaunting all of their Patriot's gear.

Media Day resulted in about 500 pictures of Tom:)

Ryan was fair and took one quick pic of Eli.

The stadium in all its glory.

The new JW Marriott, where the NY Giants stayed.

The circle at night.

A night view of the JW Marriott. It was quite an impressive sight all lit up!