Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Hello again.

This recent long weekend gave us a chance to catch up after a few active weekends of fun. In the spirit of Labor Day, we took to the Anderson Orchard to pick our own apples. This place was somewhat unique in that you drove your car around the 100 acres looking for apples. We soon figured out that the looking was the hardest part, besides the terrain. Our two minivans (our car is not actually a minivan, rather something much cooler/manly, but for the sake of the story we will label it as such) bounced over the various ridges/inclines with kids hanging out the windows/tailgates (buckling/unbuckling them from their carseats was inefficient as we made many stops. Also, we were going 5 mph). We were the trail car, and our leaders seemed to have an affinity for stopping near the barest of trees. That led to us only accumulating 2/3 a peck (according to the quick math done by the checkout team as we left) of apples in 90 minutes with two bags. That cost us $5. Now that is value for entertainment. It was a stark contrast to Rib Fest, which we attended the day before. In 90 minutes there, we spent $60 on who knows what. Apparently the ribs there are some exotic variety of deliciousness Im not aware of, because they cost more than in any restaurant. Tasted like burnt pig to me, which was great as usual.

Anyway, back to apples. The girls had an especially good time because their best friend (according to Sanna later in the day) was there. That was Emre. Today, when they go to school, they will have a new best friend. Then again tomorrow.

We may have to make another apple picking trip this year, as early September coupled with the weather this year, led to a scarcity of choice apples. As I told Laurin numerous times, I really love apples.

After apple picking, we played in the hay and were showered with gifts (belated birthday presents from the Lielands, who have been too busy training for the Tour de France to hang out). Good times.