Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, June 27, 2011

Video #2 (Singing in the Rain)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

PBS Kids in Lines

On Saturday, we dusted off the bike stroller and pedaled our way down to Military Park. We weaved between fast-moving vehicles and the pride parade to keep up with Speedy Gonzalez (Ryan Iannucci the master biker commuter). Once we made it downtown safely, we found a sea of wide-eyed children waiting to see all their favorite PBS characters. Arriving early allowed us to breeze onto the bounce houses and pick up some free swag before the masses arrived. The funniest part of the event was the way they hid the main draws (elmo and friends). Each was hidden in a tent, requiring you to wait in an 100 yd-long line for a glimpse at your child's favorite character. We used every excuse in the book to avoid being part of those line.

This guy was part of an animal exhibit. Immediately after being told it was ok to pet this friendly creature, Sanna went right for the face, getting a handful of snout and luckily returning home with all her fingers. The animal's handler was as surprised as I was.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Check Out Our New Dos

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