Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, April 29, 2011

Did You Miss Us? Here is What We Look Like.

Sorry for the time off. We decided to go to England/Scotland and forgot to blog when we came back. Lots happened. The girls had lots of fun with their grandparents/aunts. Riley has been dry for a week as I write this. Sanna currently has a present waiting for me in her pants after I finish typing this. It might be an extra long blog post. The girls have adjusted to their part-time school and actually talk about going there in a positive way now. No more tears at dropoff time either. I will put up some pics from the big easter egg hunt next time. It was a huge success and was called 'the best easter egg hunt ever'. That might have been by me. Laurin is on her way to Louisville to play soccer in a geriatric 6v6 tournament. Lets hope she comes back in one piece. We have a fun weekend of playing outside, watching soccer, and Maxine's Chicken and Waffles. Ill let you know how it goes.