Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, February 21, 2010


So, we finally got organized enough to make it to Gymboree. Showing up at gymboree with twins without two parents is frowned upon apparently, so we signed up for Saturday classes.
The girls had a sweet time as you will see from these pictures. We did our best to disguise their running noses from the other parents as they rand from contraption to contraption. The theme of the class was problem solving/circles. One of those things was a part of the class, Im not sure about the other. The biggest hit of the class was undoubtedly the bubble machine, which was much more intense than our bubble gun. We will be back this Saturday for more 'learning'.

"you want a piece of me? Back up off my inner tube"

It took them long enough to realize they were touching that I was able to snap a couple photos.

This is not from gymboree. It is just Riley with her pants jacked up to her armpits showing off the jumping ability she inherited from her mother.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Random Assortment of Pics for Your Viewing Pleasure

We made it back from Florida yesterday (barely). We were welcomed back to Indianapolis with a snow torm this morning. Here are some pics I didnt get to post before we left.

This is not Riley's poop face. She was just extremely excited to be at the park with other kids and one big green ball.

The girls pretended to be sweet an innocent as they passed the ball back and forth with their new friend. They were secretly hatching a plan to run off with that sweet green ball and never look back.

Laurin and I braved the cold on the last night of our trip to take a stab at sunset photography. It turned out to be woth it, despite almost losing a toe to the frigid weather.

Laurin was a little more enthusiastic, jumping for joy at the sight of the setting sun.

This is Laurins best Karate Kid impression. Who knew she had such great hops.

Our visit to Port Charlotte went well. It was full of wii bowling and great photo opps.

Not a bad looking group.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Real Zoo

It turns out that the Indianapolis Zoo is totally weak. The Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa is a non-stop animal extravaganza. We will never be able to go back to Indianapolis Zoo. The girls will be bored in two seconds. I was once again subjected to small, fast-moving birds with an unquenchable bloodlust. At least they were cute this time. The highlight of the day was definitely feeding the giraffes. Riley might argue that it was the merry-go-round, but she would be wrong.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

These Arent My Kids

Over the past few days, Riley has gained an odd obsession with birds. She wants to see birds 24 hours a day. On the computer, tv, out the window, or up close in personal, she loves it. She says 'birdies' from the second she gets up until bedtime. Sanna enjoys the birds as well, but isnt as obnoxious about it. As a punishment for something I did to my mother-in-law, she thought it would be fun if she made me go to the bird sanctuary near the condo. Of course the trip was really about making Riley's head explode from excitement, but it was pure hell for me. The bird sanctuary was fine, as their birds are mostly injured pelicans and such in net cages being nursed back to health. But, the word must have gotten out about the abundance of bird food at the sanctuary, because every other bird in Florida came to hang out. They look down on you from the roofs of the sanctuary buildings, making sudden movements and screaming at us. We made our way through the bird gauntlet and out to the beach. There we found a flock of aggressive seagulls waiting to make me crap my pants. They nearly succeeded as you will see in the first pic. If you have the guts, click on it to make it full size. Overall we had a good time. That is if you count 5 people who had a good time and one person who had a horrible time.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Da Plane, Da Plane

Being the adventurous duo that we are, we endeavored to fly with our girls for the third time. We wised up slightly this time, buying three seats for the four of us. We had an entire side to ourselves. Luckily, we also had sympathetic people around us. We had stocked laurins bag of tricks full of fruit snacks, fruit roll-ups, new stuffed animals, and books. We also bought a couple new Elmo DVDs. We couldnt probably charter a private jet for what it costs to keep the kids entertained in coach. Sadly, our promptness/earliness brought us to the airport well before our flight so we used up a lot of our tools of distraction (an entire tin of lil' crunchies) prior to even boarding the flight. Just to mess with us, the airline thought it was necessary for us to deice the plane prior to taking off. That added a nice 30 minutes on the plane prior to our 2 hour flight. Despite all of these things working against us the girls were pretty good. They ran around the terminal pusing their strollers, which let us know the Benadryl wasnt working. They cried for a second as we got situated on the plane, but were pretty entertained by food/drink/elmo the rest of the time. We arrived in one piece abotu 30 minutes late and have been enjoying Florida ever since. Here are a couple pics from our pre-flight fruit roll up and one of the sunrise this morning.

Riley calls her glasses her 'eyes' and wears them as often as she is allowed.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week of Firsts

This has been a wild week. Our girls have had a rollercoaster ride with this cold/flu. It began as a sniffle, turned into runny noses, then a cough/sneeze, then a mild fever, then diarrhea, and finally a massive projectile vomit from Riley. This is over the course of 10-14 days. They seemed to be doing better today until Riley coated the stairs with blueberries and milk.

Riley had a breakthrough, going #2 on the toilet on her first try. This was followed by a couple of blanks over the next two days. They really like going on the toilet, but I dont think they really understand when to ask. That probably has to do with the fact that we havent trained them at all. We just have such high expectations for their intelligence we figured they would just get it already.

Sanna was actually the one that started the party by asking to go potty. She just hung out for a while chit chatting with her sister before asking to get down.

This one isnt exactly a first, but we are choosing to forget about our brief yet costly trip to Great Clips where the lady snipped at Sanna three times and charged us 11 dollars. Fruit snacks seemed to be the key to Sanna being quiet the entire time. She got a real haircut and is looking pretty sweet. Coupled with her stomach bug she should be bikini-ready by Friday when we leave for Florida.

Momma had just gotten a cut before Sanna. Sanna really liked the animals on her cape, as did Riley. Riley wandered the salon smiling at people and trying to take things from the various stations

Here we see Riley enjoying Gabba post-puke, post-bath. She was only dressed in a diaper so we bundled her up in her blankey.

Same for Sanna without the puke.