Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pic of the Day (4/29/09)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pic of the Day (4/28/09)

Dont Go Chasin Waterfalls


Pic of the Day (4/27/09)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pic of the Day (4/26/09)

A Nice Little Saturday

With momma off to play soccer with a bunch of old ladies, the babies, grandma, and I were free to have an action packed day. It started with our neighbors having a big yard sale full of random crap used as theatrical props. That is where we got the bunny in the video. It was a gift to the girls. We almost got a red artificial Christmas tree, but the $5 price tag was too rich for my blood. 

Next, we were off to the Indianapolis Baby Expo. I was hoping this event would be more entertaining for the girls, but it was really just a bunch of vendors trying to sell their wares.  Justin and Emily met us there to scope out some sweet products, but I think they were disappointed with the lack of free stuff.  Having ample experience with tradeshows, I may have promised them ample giveaways.  It turns out the baby product community is cheap.  They want you to buy their stuff, not give it away.   Justin was late as usual, so we went in a bit early.  That ended up being the best decision of the day, because we made it just in time for the baby diaper derby.  As you might guess, the baby diaper derby is a crawling contest with prizes.  Since Sanna had just started to crawl the day before, I was sure she could win a competition.  This was my first chance to be the parent of an athlete and see how I act during my child's competitions.  If I was anything like I am during my own sporting events, I would have been quiet and composed. It started at 2 (our agreed upon meeting time which I was there for thanks to years of training from my dad to never be late).   But, noone else was there.  Despite my mother assuring me that they wouldnt start with noone else there and that they wouldnt give out the prize without a race, I asked.  The woman was happy to give away the gift card and get back to her other booth.  We did put Sanna on the mat to show off her skills, but she was way too into her bagel in a net.   I tried to take it away from her and lure her across the mat, but that only made her cry.  

Other highlights of the expo included almost getting a portait taken of Justin, the babies, and I by 'The Picture People', buying a sweet new diaper bag for Laurin, and getting asked a hundred times about where we got our stroller.  Apparently people have never heard of Babies R Us.  

When we got back from the expo we decided to go to the park and take the sweet pics you can see on flickr and above.  There were some interesting characters at the park again.  Two moms enjoying their cigarettes while one breastfed a newborn.   I worked on my best long range dirty look, but it didnt have any effect.

I started this post at 1AM, and am now happy to report that I am finishing it a 645AM, which is win the girls woke up.  Might not be such a nice little Sunday.  
Friday, April 24, 2009

Oh, Crap

If it wasnt for this tankini she would be wicked fast. We are in for a world of trouble....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

One of These Things is Not Like the Other

All three of these babies are 9 months old.  One has a slightly different diet/metabolism.

Pic of the Day (4/23/09)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Their Own Language?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ryan's Other Favorite Daughter


She's baaaaaaaack and loved more than ever.  Ryan loves and adores his TWO girls!!!!!!  Let her name be heard everywhere, "Sanna, Sanna, Sanna":)  I've had many requests to bring her back to the blog, so here you go.  Isn't she just precious?  Everyone must realize that Sanna and Riley's father often thinks that he is being funny, even when his commentary is questionable. Sanna can't help the fact that she thinks that her mother is wonderful.  Let's face it, any sane person would prefer me over Ryan.  Am I right, or am I right?:)

After weeks of anticipation, forward crawling has been achieved by Riley's sister (she who wont be named). It requires proper motivation (a cell phone or food) to be the right distance away. If it is too far she gives up and sits up. If it is too close she just falls to her stomach and reaches for it. Meanwhile, Riley just sits there observing. We are joking that after 0 attempts to crawl or go to her stomach over the last two months (she barely even rolls over anymore), Riley will start crawling the same week as it did. So far, every milestone has been achieved by both girls in the same week, which is odd. As the months have progressed though, they have become more and more different, which will surely mean further deviation in physical and mental development. Riley just likes to sit there studying things. She is a maniac in her walkaround playcenter, so we know she is capable of running around. Our other daughter is now trying to pull up on things, which is not so good since more things she grabs are not all that sturdy. Let the babyproofing begin!
Monday, April 20, 2009

My New Favorite

As you all know, I have never been bashful about declaring my preference for one daughter either in cuteness or personality. Last night though, my decision was made much easier. Sanna decided she doesnt like me anymore, so it made it all that much easier to annouce that Riley is my favorite. In an attempt to preserve my pride I would like to point out that I had chosen Riley days ago. This whole weekend both girls had been a bit whiny, but they were consoled as usual by picking them up. We have been attempting to pick them up less when they start whining. Last night, Sanna was crying/whining due to her extreme tiredness. Despite two hour-long naps and falling asleep in the car during grocery shopping, she was tired. She clearly takes after her mother. Laurin was downstairs trying to take care of some things, so I was trying to entertain the girls. Even picking up Sanna wouldnt help. Without any more options, I called in reinforcements. Laurin came upstairs and took over. Immediately, Sanna calmed down. Hoping this was some kind of freak coincidence, we tried this scenario (I held Sanna then gave her to Laurin) multiple times. Every time, she freaked out when I was holding her and calmed down when Laurin took her. I am not to happy about this. Laurin will have to increase the frequency of her posts, because from now on all of my posts will be about Riley. She is great and I love her a lot. She is definitely the cuter, smarter daughter.
Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pic of the Day (4/18/09)

Another camera phone pic......sorry
Friday, April 17, 2009

Pic of the Day (4/17/09)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pic of the Day (4/15/09)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Soooooo, Sanna has now joined her sister in the annoying noise-making business.  However, instead of a yunt Sanna prefers a dangerously high-pitched squeal.  If she is sitting next to you it is so loud and obnoxious that she can make you momentarily deaf.  No joke, this is a SERIOUS noise!  Riley was at least kind enough to reserve her yunt for moments when she was frustrated or wanted attention, but Sanna prefers to squeal every 5 to 10 seconds all day long.  She just laughs when I tell her "NO" in my best, very stern, motherly voice.  Good times.  After about the 1,000th squeal of the day, and after finishing her dinner, we decided that her first time out was in order for neglecting to use her inside voice.  It lasted about 10 seconds and was full of squeals.  I don't think that she got the message.  I hope that this is not a sign of things to come:)  

Pic of the Day 4/13/09

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pic of the Day (4/12/09)

More Doggie Drama

Jealous of the popularity of Riley's dog video, Sanna decided to make one of her own. Spoiler alert....nobody gets eaten or slobbered on.

Pic of the Day (4/11/09)

I swear they are the same size....
Friday, April 10, 2009

Pic of the Day (4/10/09)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pic of the Day (4/9/09)

Progress, Sweet Progress

Sharing Revisited

I must apologize again for the lack of posts. I am busy/lazy. Check out this short but sweet video of the girls 'sharing' a kitkat wrapper. It is quite clear that anything that is not a toy is way more fun that the crap that fills our toy shelves. In a newsworthy note that will please Melissa, the girls are eating less. They have only have 4 bottles/day this week. That is down from 5-6. That, coupled with their increased activity level, should result in babies Melissa can love soon. Due to my recent inability to post every day, Laurin has suggested we post a 'picture of the day' to keep everyone updated on their latest cuteness.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Apparently there have been many people questioning our logic as parents due to the last video post.  Due to the fact the the dog in the video is not the size of a cat he could maul them at any moment.   I apologize to all of those who now cannot sleep as the fear for the lives of our children.  They still have their faces and do not have any type of dog slobber induced disease.  I am putting up two new polls to get a feel for the general sentiment of the verbal diarrhea readership.  We wondered why there were so few comments on that hilarious video.