Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, June 30, 2008

Polls not working with Internet Explorer apparently the polls on this site arent working for anyone using internet explorer. Firefox and Mac OSX seem to work. To make it easy on the technologically challenged, you can register your votes to the two polls as comments on this post. Enjoy! This will also make it easier to award the prizes.

First Day Home as a Family begins a new era in the Smith household.   As if I needed more distractions, here comes Laurin and her incessant nagging.   How I will get anything done, I dont know.   Who knew laying around all day was so taxing.   

This is my first of many posts.  This blog will serve mainly as a means to update everyone on the future insanity that will be our daily lives.  As this is my first blog, feel free to comment on what you would like to see.  I have some exciting features in mind, so get ready.  

Anyway, the countdown is on.  Feel free to vote on the birthday poll.  Winner gets an autographed diaper (unused) from the twins.